After a tip off from Marko (@runner786), I took my first steps along the Borders Abbey Way today. In short, its a 62 circular route encompassing the borders towns of Melrose, Kelso, Jedburgh, Hawick and Selkirk ( Today I ran from Melrose to Kelso, a distance of just under 18 miles. There was a mixture of surfaces from tarmac to woodland track to muddy farm tracks. The photos have uploaded in a slightly odd order as usual, so bear with me!
Kelso Abbey. 17.8 miles and 2 hours 40 later...I'll be back tomorrow morning!
Its Sunday evening now and I have run another section of the Borders Abbeys Way. I'll try to upload the photos in the correct order this time. I arrived at Kelso at around 7.30 am. My prep was far from ideal as usual. Think long run yesterday, beers and rubbish sleep. I wasnt sure how to dress as the temperature was higher than Saturday, but the wind was much stronger. Anyway, I got ready and set off. I have to be honest in saying I didnt feel ready for this trip to Jedburgh and back, or confident. goes.
My first view of the Teviot a mile or so in. Not quite light as you can see
My first stop for some wine gums and a lovely drink
I must still be going the right way!
Loved this old railway sign. Once on the old railway I got quite nostalgic. I thought of the steam train clattering along where I was now running, but before i was born.
No idea who this handsome dude/ugly bugger is (*delete as appropriate!) Started to feel low here, 7 miles in and considered turning back. I then told myself that my sister in law was nearby and I could make an emergency phone call if i needed to, knowing I wouldn't!
From here to Jedburgh was non photogenic. River banks, up a steep track for a mile and then undulating road until I reached the Abbey.
5 minutes lying on a park bench, eating cereal bars made me feel so much better. I tweeted my situation, asked for a taxi, felt sorry for myself etc etc:-) and set of back to Kelso
This is a track I climbed at mile 10, it shows how the snow melt has dug it out. I continued with the thought that every step was a step nearer to the finish. I looked at my phone at mile 17 and was hugely lifted by the supportive tweets. I ran faster ! Around 3 miles of straight disused railway line is relentless and I did hurt by now.
I had to get one photo out of order! My shoes at the end: muddy and tired like me
This is a great wee bit of kit, a foldable cup. Cheap as on ebay and so useful

The last 5 miles were a real slog. Yesterday and last night had taken it toll. I was running on sheer pig headedness and the odd wine gum. I entertained the idea of adding another mile to make 26.2 (for about 3 seconds) and ended up where I started, here, Kelso abbey. Tired and sore, I lay in the back of my van for a while, not happy but satisfied.
In summary, the run from Kelso to Jedburgh is a much more pleasant route. You probably see more of the countryside on the Melrose to Kelso route. Its a gem, its on my doorstep.
Fantastic runs, Johnny and great pics. I'd love to run there sometime with you. Totally inspiring as always.